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Using Modeler

    <bpmn:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_timer">
      <bpmn:timerEventDefinition id="TimerEventDefinition_07xu06a">
        <bpmn:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn:tExpression">PT2S</bpmn:timeDuration>

All Timers are persisted, therefore, if the Node.js session is restared timers will pickup where they left

Timer Types#

DateTime (not supported)#



Example (interval lasting 10 days):


Time Cycle#

Example (3 repeating intervals, each lasting 10 hours):


Time Cycle accepts both ISO 8601 format and Cron format

Example for cron format:

        <bpmn:timeCycle xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">5 * * * *</bpmn:timeCycle>

ISO 8601 format:#

This format displays a duration in the following format: PnYnMnDTnHnMnS where n is the number for the corresponding interval:

Y = years

M = months

W = weeks

D = days

T = delineator between dates and times, necessary to disambiguate between months and minutes

H = hours

M = minutes

S = seconds

You can leave certain intervals off if they don't apply, but you must include the T before any time intervals (PT

P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S (3 years, 6 months, 4 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes, and 5 seconds)

P3DT12H (3 days and 12 hours)

P1M (1 month)

PT1M (1 minute)

PT0S (0)

P0.5Y (1/2 a year)

PT1M3.025S (1 minute and 3025 milliseconds)

Development/Test Environment Timer modification#

bpmn-server allow you to modify the timer behaviour during development without changing bpmn definition

By changing the configuration.ts to force timers to specific time

let definitionsPath = __dirname + '/processes/';
var configuration = new Configuration(
        definitionsPath: definitionsPath,
        timers: {
            forceTimersDelay: 1000,
            precision: 3000,

Event Types#

Event Type TimeDate Duration TimeCycle TimeCycle Repeat
Start NA NA Yes Default
Intermediate NA Yes Yes NA
Boundary Event NA Yes Yes Yes
  • Start Event support 'Time Cycle' only since duration and timeDate make no sense.

  • Intermediate Events are implemented as a normal event, will start the timer at start of the node and once the timer is completed the node will end.

  • Start Event Timers will start a new execution, therefore, they are scheduled by a cron job managed by bpmn-server.


On Server start:#

  1. All start event are re-evaluated and reschedules
  2. other events that are in wait state are re-evaluated and reschedules