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Integration into your Application#

In this document, we discuss how to integrate your application with bpmn-server.

bpmn-server package is a NodeJs package requires an application as a front-end and to customize the workflow logic

We provide a sample demo application in bpmn-web as a github template

To deliver a complete workflow, you need to customize the bpmn-web to suite your needs or you can have your own app to be the front-end of the workflow.

We assume that you are already familiar with setting up bpmn-server along with your processes and having them running.

Please note code in this page is for illustration purposes only.

Workflow Application Components#

UI and User Authentication#

In the demo app:

|   +---examples        examples stand-alone scripts
|   +---routes          express routes 
|   +---scripts         stand-alone express (cli/setup)
|   +---test            test scripts
|   |   +---feature
|   |   +---helpers
|   +---uploads
|   +---userAccess      Using passport
|   |   +---config
|   |   +---controllers
|   |   +---models
|   |   +---routes
|   |   \---views
|   |       \---account
|   +---views           express views for bpmn-web
|   |   +---includes
|   |   +---models
|   |   \---partials
|   \---WorkflowApp     Entry point into application 

Workflow app#

This is your custom installation of bpmn-server

Folder Class
[configuration](api/classes/ Entry point to application configuration parameters and defining various components used in the workflow app.
appServicesReceives Service Calls
appUtilsProvide common methods to application scripts