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Tutorial: Employee to Start a Leave Application#

Use your browser to view the bpmn-server running localhost:3000

1 Login as User1#


Login as user1:

User Name:  user1

password:   user1

2 Select Model 'Leave Application'#


3 Execute#

This will start a new 'Leave Application' workflow

4 Provide Input Data#


Back to home page#


User 'user1' is now completed the request, waiting for his/her manager to approve

Login as 'manager1#


Login as manager1:

User Name:  manager1

password:   manager1


Execute 'Approve' Task#

As a manager, will see 'Leave Applications' that require Approval

Fill Approval Form#


Let us examine the completed workflow#


Now Let us see the Design Details:#

Start Event - initiator#

    initiator       requester
We need to record the user that started the workflow by saving userName into data.requester this will be used later.

Request Task - assignee#

    assignee        $(
We now copy the data.requester into item.assignee, this will restrict access only to user that started the workflow.

Approve Task - assignee#

    assignee        #(appServices.getSupervisorUser(

In this case, the approver user is in a database collection 'usersManager', so we need to write some TS code to retrieve this info. Notice # to indicate async call, this is requires db call.

    async getSupervisorUser(userName, context) {
        console.log('getSupervisorUser for:',userName);

        let ds=this.appDelegate.server.dataStore;
        const dburl=ds.dbConfiguration.db; // process.env.MONGO_DB_URL;

        const db=ds.dataStore.db;

        // collection structure: {employee,manager}

        let list=await db.find(dburl,'usersManager',{employee:userName});
        let manager;
        if (list.length>0)

        return manager;