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In this tutorial we will go through a complete Workflow Example. But First let us see what is an already built Workflow will behave like to the end-user

Without any installation, let us go to bpmnServer Demo Website

  1. Select Model `Leave Application'
  2. Execute the model
  3. Fill the form with requested input
  4. You will see now the new instance of the model been created along with the data and items


Local Install#

This package requires Node.js and an access to MongoDB () if you don't have MongoDB already installed you can create a free cloud account here or can be installed locally

-1 git clone

 git clone
 cd bpmn-web
-2 install packages
 npm install
-3 setup the app
 npm run setup

-4 Edit .env file to have MongoDB point to your server or free cloud account

# MongoDB Settings
-5 Run Setup again to create db objects

npm run setup

Your installation is now complete.

  • Start server
 npm run start

Console will display:

bpmn-server WebApp.ts version 1.4.0
MongoDB URL mongodb://
db connection open

App is running at http://localhost:3000 in development mode
  Press CTRL-C to stop

Use your browser to view the bpmn-server running

Initialize data#