Throwing and Cathcing Messages#
In this example, we will demonstrate how can two seperate processes communicate through "Messages"
1 Throw a message with data#
When a process throw a message, bpmn-server checks if there is another process that can catch this message before dispatching it to AppDelegate.
<bpmn2:intermediateThrowEvent id="throw_msg1" name="msg1">
<bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef1" messageRef="Msg1" />
<camunda:script event="start"><![CDATA[
input.caseId= data.caseId;
this.messageMatchingKey={'data.caseId': data.caseId };
- Message Output: caseId: <someValue>
2 Catch a message with data#
The second process defines a start event to catch the message Msg1
<bpmn2:startEvent id="StartEvent_1w66wpl" name="msg1">
<bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef4" messageRef="Msg1" />
3 Throw a message with data and a Key#
In addition, the second process sends a confirmation message Confirm1
to the first process
<bpmn2:intermediateThrowEvent id="throw_confirm1" name="confirm1">
<bpmn2:messageEventDefinition id="messageEventDef2" messageRef="Confirm1" />
<camunda:script event="transformOutput"><![CDATA[
this.context.messageMatchingKey={'data.caseId': };
Howerver, the challenge here is that make sure the message is sent to the specific instance, that is where the Matching key is used
- Message Id: Confirm1
- Message Output: confirm: true
- Message Matching Keyt: 'data.caseId':